The Most And Least Attractive Male Hobbies

What male hobbies are attractive to women and what hobbies do men think women find attractive?

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A recent chart went viral on social media purporting to show the least attractive hobbies to women. It turned out that it had no source; potentially it was made up by a birdwatching group on Instagram as a meme. No shortage of polls have been done like this in the past. As such, we decided to collect a sample of men and women for our contribution.

We created a forced-choice survey of 74 male hobbies. Women could choose if that hobby was “unattractive” for a man to do or “attractive” for a man to do. Male respondents, on the other hand, were asked to indicate if they thought women believed a given hobby was unattractive. As such, we can compare what women find attractive (or unattractive) with what men think women find attractive (or unattractive).

No long article for this one — we will just share the results with a few comments.

When reading this, keep in mind that the only two options were “unattractive” and “attractive.”

The Most Attractive Male Hobbies

The Most Attractive Hobbies to Women

Image 1. Top 15 most attractive hobbies to women.

What Hobbies Men Think Women Find Most Attractive

Image 2. What men think women like.

Glancing at these two charts, we can see a good amount of congruence in what men and women both selected as the most attractive hobbies to women. Men were pretty good at picking what women liked. Out of the 74 potential hobbies, men and women tended to pick the same ones for the top 15 list. Men tended to underestimate the attractiveness of some hobbies to women (a trend across our data: men tended to be harder in assessments of attractiveness than women were).

In this data, “PlayingInstrument” was playing a musical instrument and “ForeignLanguages” was learning foreign languages.

Basically, women want a bilingual traveling blacksmith who does archery, gardens, and reads — or some combination like that.

The Least Attractive Male Hobbies

The Least Attractive Hobbies To Women

Image 3. The least attractive 15 hobbies to women.

What Hobbies Men Think Women Find Least Attractive

Image 4. What men think women don’t like.

We also see strong congruence in the bottom choices for men and women. The bottom male hobby to women, “manosphere,” was watching manosphere videos. “ComicBooks” was collecting comic books, “ArguingOnline” was arguing with people on social media, and “Funko” was collecting Funko figurines. The biggest difference that stood out was that men overestimated how attractive clubbing was to women.

A good way to understand the most unattractive hobbies to women: they look mostly like a collection of vices, niche nerd hobbies, and antisocial behavior.

Attractive Hobbies by Class or Category

We took the 74 hobbies listed and grouped them into categories. This section contains ratings from women only.

Nerd Hobbies

Image 5. Nerd hobbies rated by women as unattractive.

We grouped nerd hobbies by unattractive ratings, given that most received a majority of negative ratings. An exception was reading — this was a highly attractive male hobby to most women. Building models did pretty well, too.

In the meme chart that inspired this survey, video games was placed as the most unattractive hobby to women. It didn’t make the top list for unattractive hobbies in our survey. 61.8% of women said video games were unattractive while 48.2% rated video games as an attractive male hobby.

Athletic Hobbies

Image 6. Athletic hobbies rated as attractive by women.

Athletic hobbies tend to do pretty well, with swimming topping the list. Golf is rated the lowest; it is the only athletic hobby where a slight majority of women found it to be unattractive. Boxing and MMA may be lower than you would expect. This is not entirely surprising from an evolutionary point of view, however. Fighting sports may be associated with lower status or may represent a trade-off between an ability to protect and an ability to harm.

Artistic Hobbies

Image 7. Artistic hobbies rated as attractive to women.

Artistic hobbies also did well. Only cosplay, which was also included in our nerd hobby category, saw a majority of women rate it as unattractive. Theater acting and building models also got rated lower than the rest of the hobbies.

Vice Hobbies

Image 8. Vice hobbies rated as unattractive to women.

Hobbies that we grouped into a category of “vices” did especially poorly with women. Here we report the percentage of “unattractive” ratings. Unfortunately, many of these hobbies are also quite popular. You can imagine a substance-using, video-game playing porn user who trolls people online and watches manosphere videos. In many individuals, the least attractive hobbies cluster together.

Cultural Hobbies

Image 9. Cultural hobbies rated as attractive to women.

Cultural hobbies did well — even following politics didn’t do terribly. Birdwatching was perceived as a much more attractive hobby than the original meme graph depicted it.

Survival Hobbies

Image 10. Survival hobbies rated as attractive to women.

We grouped hobbies into what could be called practical survival skills. The most survival-y of these, hunting, fishing, and shooting, were actually rated the lowest. This is not surprising, given that these carry some political and cultural baggage. We tend to get a pretty even 50/50 split for political ideology in our samples, so about half of the sample finding hobbies that are right-coded as attractive or unattractive may just reflect culture and politics. Cooking, however, is attractive to almost all women.

Birdwatching made it onto this list because it’s a naturalist skill and you have to see a bird to kill and eat it.

Martial Hobbies

Image 11. Martial hobbies rated as attractive to women.

The martial hobbies of fencing, riding, and archery did better than boxing/MMA and shooting. Fencing, riding, and archery may be associated with higher social class than boxing and shooting, despite being less practical modern martial skills.

Consumer Hobbies

Image 12. Consumer hobbies rated as attractive to women.

We coded hobbies as consumption-based; basically what was passive entertainment. Movies, seeing plays/musicals, going to concerts, and reading did well. The rest did poorly.

Misc Hobbies

Image 13. Miscellaneous hobbies rated as attractive to women.

“Mechanics” in our dataset was working on cars as a hobby: this got rated pretty well. Women were less impressed by magic tricks, bowling, and riding motorcycles. 

Sex Differences in Perceptions of Male Hobbies As Attractive

Image 14. Largest sex differences in ratings.

The take-home from this chart is that women perceive many hobbies as more attractive than men think that women do. There are only two exceptions where men over-perceived women’s attraction to male hobbies: riding motorcycles and boxing/MMA.

There is a debate in evolutionary psychology over traits like behavioral aggression, dominance, and physical robustness: are these attractive to women (and sexually selected for) or were they selected for via male-male contest competitions (physical fights). What we see here may be men overestimating how attractive women find hobbies that are essentially attractive to men. Riding motorcycles and fighting are associated with a certain image that signals dominance and status in male intrasexual competition. Men may overperceive how attractive these are to women.

These more perceived “bad boy” hobbies may be more of a signal to other men whereas, although women do prefer a man who can defend them, they also desire a soft side. This may also reflect a desire for men who have hobbies that women can share with them.

Image 15. Smallest sex differences in ratings.

The chart above shows the hobbies that men and women agreed upon most: men’s most accurate predictions of hobbies that women find attractive. 


The average difference between men and women’s assessments of what hobbies women find attractive was 12.06%. Overall, across 74 hobbies, men were pretty good at predicting what women found to be attractive and unattractive.

Given this, what hobbies should men pick? Well, they are ultimately your hobbies, so whatever you want to do. If you pick hobbies that you don’t like just because they are attractive to women you may not stick with them at all, particularly if they have a steep learning curve (e.g. woodworking or salsa dancing). You need to find hobbies that you enjoy.

That said, there are clusters of hobbies that women like and that women do not like.

In fact, there are a lot of hobbies that women seem to like. There are hobbies for introverts and extroverts. There are hobbies all across the board. Even hobbies that have mid-range ratings (50% or so) mean that you will be able to find a lot of people who share your interest.

Consistently across these results, women mostly don’t like hobbies that are vices and antisocial behaviors. Women do like hobbies that showcase physical and practical skills, humor, and intelligence. Entirely expected from an evolutionary perspective. Some hobbies are beneficial to you and others, while some hobbies are mostly cost-inflicting.

One thing to keep in mind is that some hobbies will put you into contact with women in ways that others will not. For example, video games, in addition to not being highly esteemed by women, also mean that you won’t be in live social groups with women. Dancing, on the other hand, is a hobby that will put you in contact with many women. You may want to consider the potential sex ratios when selecting hobbies, if a secondary goal is to meet opposite-sex friends or potential romantic partners.


Our sample was a convenience sample of 814 participants (48% female). Consistently in the samples that we run we see a pretty even split for politics and feminist ideology, so we don’t expect much political ideological bias. However, our samples skew disproportionately toward women of high social status, high level of education (45% had a Master’s degree in the previous survey), and who are predominately White (> 90% in the last survey). Popular hobbies like “clubbing,” which was rated low in our sample, may be perceived as more attractive in other populations.

      1. People tell you what they believe through action, not words, since words are cheap and action is expensive.

        So when a person says: “I like X” or “I prefer Y,” but they act like they like Z and act like they prefer D, then they actually like Z and prefer D (despite what they said).

    1. Exactly. Most people don’t know what they want. If the goal is to predict dating success, men, especially married men, should have the best opinion on these rankings.

  1. Definitely. For someone in the field of evo psych, I am profoundly baffled that you would interpret women’s responses here as
    “If I see a man doing this I get emotionally and physically excited”
    As opposed to the rather obvious
    “Based on the aesthetics and cultural practices of my tribe and desired status within it, these are what I want other people to see me as liking, and even what I would like to see myself as actually liking”

    1. Good point..
      I think, though, that simplest and most accurate way of understanding what they mean when they mark something as attractive is simply: “Yeah, i like that” / “Yeah, i like the sound of that” / “I believe I´d prefer that over this”
      Getting emotionally and physically excited from knowing someone´s hobby? No, I don´t think so… Definitely not if that someone is but an abstraction!

      Basing it all off of her (probably) unconscious cultural programming and perceived social status games? God help us!
      Altough “What i would like to see myself as liking” makes sense, still – she´s a person, she most likely does actually like certain things and has personal preferences. She´s a real person, remember.

  2. Actually I recall RobKHenderson reported on a study relevant to MMA: apparently there was no difference in a man’s number of sexual partners over a period of time as a function of women’s attractiveness ratings, while there was a positive relationship between the number of sexual partners and the rating other men gave on the formidability of that man as an opponent in a potential fight.

    1. So you’re saying men who other men perceive as a more formidable opponent in a fight have a higher number of sexual partners?

  3. “61.8% of women said video games were unattractive while 48.2% rated video games as an attractive male hobby.”
    Seems like a goof – I imagine only 38.2% of women were hot for gamers?

  4. If you don’t understand why “punching and kicking other humans” and “firing guns” might be less attractive “martial” hobbies to women, it’s because you don’t want to understand it.

    Part of evolutionary psychology is surviving in the first place.

    1. “However, our samples skew disproportionately toward women of high social status, high level of education (45% had a Master’s degree in the previous survey), and who are predominately White (> 90% in the last survey)” OMFG, when that’s your survey sample, why not just rename it “What hobbies do white women with Master’s degrees like?”

  5. This study sucks it subdiveds the heck out of everything so we don’t have anything to gauge where are hobbies are relative to other hobbies only where our hobbies are relative to other hobbies within the same category. HOW FREAKING USELSS! It also manosphere to be going around promoting which hobbies make you more attrative when you don’t bother to flip the study and tell women which hobbies would make them more attractive in our eyes. The study is stupid. sexist, and constitutes as manosphere.

  6. Women dont understand that a man who is into marial arts is less likely to be violent, men into MMA want to descalate conflict when ever they are on the street because they know how unpredicatable it is. Compared to their usual controlled environment where they practice.

    Your numbers for video games dont make any sense, how can 60% say its unattractive yet you have another figure that said half of women say its attractive. That would mean some of those women voted that video games was both unattractive and attractive at the same time. But knowing women i wouldnt be suprised if they did that since they dont even know what they want to eat.

  7. I mean…I don’t really do hobbies because women find them attractive. I do them because I enjoy them. My takeaway from this is that there are a lot of hobbies not mentioned that women who have never been exposed to them may actually find attractive. For example, inline/ice skating, dog sledding, or kayaking. If one lives in a region where these are not common, then they may not even know about them. In saying that, a woman who has never been exposed to them might end up enjoying them and being able to participate.

    If there is a certain amount of correlation between a woman’s ability to participate in the man’s hobby and the attractiveness of that hobby, then we can’t discount the fact that some of those surveyed may not know whether or not they like certain hobbies based on never having been exposed to them to any great extent. Honestly, while it’s interesting to see a general insight on how women view men’s hobbies, I don’t think that the fact that I can cook, speak two languages fluently, fix vehicles, play a sport, and read a lot is necessarily going to translate into my being more attractive than if I were a party animal, douchebag crypto bro, who practices BJJ, has multiple OnlyFans subscriptions, and thinks that everybody should “speak English.”

  8. Caveat about cooking and exercise: most people find an obsession with health and nutrition to be lame and annoying. They don’t want to hear about grocery shopping, sales, coupons, dollars per lb/oz/kg, kitchen utensils, sous vide, vacuum bags, instant read thermometers, meal prep, potato vs corn starch, lentils, chickpeas, keto flour, safe foods, cauliflower rice, food processors, kale, turmeric, heavy metal testing, flavor profile, mirepoix, internal temperature, crock pots, pressure cookers, sifters, yeasts, containers, labels, convection, fat rendering, marinades, non-stick, stainless steel, cast iron, clarifying butter, braising, steamer pots, btus, shu, macros, micros, ratios, bioavailability, microplastics, gmo produce, pesticides, soy, xenoestrogens, emulsifiers, hydrolization, red 40, lead, preheating, timers, stock vs broth, electrolytes, calories, calories per 100g, calorie budgets, food scales, mass vs weight vs volume, unit version, kilojoules, volume eating, hemoglobin, deficits, binging, restricting, maintenance, myfitnesspal, omad, if, fasting, autophagy, body fat %, preworkout, water retention, bdd, eds, orthorexia, pectus, traps, delts, physiognomy, hypertrophy, bmi, cico, bmr, calculators, fitbit, vo2 max, rhr, mhr, tdee, cuts and bulks, 1rm, body recomposition, creatine and other supplements, phosphate, omega-3s, oxalates, antioxidants, cla, triglycerides, hdl and ldl, collagen sources, whey, seed oils, protein per calorie, konjac root, psyllium husk, hyperpalatability, satiety, glycemic index, glycemic load, upf, ghrelin, leptin, t, cortisol, blood sugar, insulin, protein, prebiotics, probiotics, gut biome, acidic vs alkaline, glucose, glycogen, hmb, atp, adp, nitric oxide, amino acids, ketones, simple vs complex carbs, unsaturated fats, lipid vs water solubility, adipose tissue, subcutaneous fat, slow vs fast twitch, bbr, 3-day split, barbell exercises, plates, squat racks, 5×5, pr, rest days, goals, gains, weekly and monthly progress, tracking, schedules, motivation, postural hypotension, hypoglycemia, bradycardia, vlcd, registered dietitians, nutrition facts, kidneys, liver, vanity sizing, tailoring, xxs, etc.

    Women just like when someone else does favors for them, like making a meal, and they want dudes to have abs, but don’t want to hear about how he achieves them.

    But what many people don’t seem to get is that diet/cooking/fitness takes a lot of time and effort and isn’t just some accident or genetic thing. Aside from work and relationships, it’s the biggest thing in many people’s lives.

    People want you to have the end results, but they don’t want to hear about how you had to obsess over it and put a massive amount of time and effort into building and maintaining a nice physique. They want you to be hot and never talk about how you got hot.

  9. Interesting that you put the Manosphere under Vice hobbies and Politics under Cultural hobbies, considering the manosphere is politics in the same way feminism and women’s rights are politics.
    Suggests a bit of a bias, no?

    1. After 45 years of marriage, for better or for worse, I agree with the majority of your observation. We are both are retired professionals who made enough money to enjoy our hobbies.what are some of the hobbies we enjoyed together leading to attraction,desire, arousal and sex. (Yes after 70 you can still have careful sex like a kid or sex that comes from enjoying each other’s company,kiss on the cheek, security, contentment and other activites that put a smile on your face.)
      I would break down your list into activities we do together, do just for ourselves and with our ” tribe”. A woman looking at two identical men does not know hobbies. These are activities that you share later in the relationship after meeting. Reading this article together we found we were attracted to each other – You/she speak well, are confident, and have a nice butt and legs. Turns out we both swam at the same pool, different hours, attended mass at different locations, loved languages, English, Latin and Greek. So today games like wordle,,scrabble, are simple activities we do together and also talk about other things like books and concerts. For example in what play is the phrase ” they should adore me” changed to ” they should Dior me”. Independently I have my mancave filled with past adventure hiking, camping, hunting and fishing with my friends, my humidor, selection of scotches, water colorings, scheches, photography equipment and can also attract the grandkids with art supplies, Lego puzzles and movies. So to make a long long story short A: first there is physical attraction and how you laugh and treat others. Dating discovers your likes dislike, hobbies and activities. Engagement discovers whether you can live with each other hobbies and activities. Then marriage were you culture or weed out hobbies and activities, discover new ones and remembering for better or for worse there must have been a reason I loved you. Planning execution and completion of hobbies help strengthen the marriage. Addictions, compulsive behaviour, and apathy kills the marriage.

  10. Footnote:
    “Better Change”
    You better change and select the hobbies that are better for you and your relationships.
    Select the hobbies and activities that change you for the better.

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